Featured post

Funny Little Wars - available now!

  Funny Little Wars - the revised edition - is now available for sale at:  https://www.lulu.com/en/us/shop/paul-holcroft-wright/funny-little...

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Garden Campaigns - proof reading and contents

 Things continue to move forward with the Garden Campaigns, and the proof reading is nearly 50% completed.

The new edition aims to recreate HG's amplifications at the end of Little Wars, and it is also a homage to William le Queux's 'The Invasion of 1910.'  This is a remarkably Little Wars type of book!







Sunday, 29 December 2024

Garden Campaigns - coming soon

 Wishing everyone a very happy New Year!

Garden Campaigns, coming soon ...

Saturday, 4 November 2023

Winter quarters - and a move


The last year has been rather taken up with work and a house move.  The seat of Mars has moved from the lovely east coast to the beloved town of Hay on Wye, the town of books, in Wales.  FLW will be setting up its rural HQ here, in an old cider house and a small, enclosed garden. 

Garden Kriegspiel is entering the last - and long process - of proofing.  Adam, the illustrator is working on a front cover that will reflect FLW - and then it is some final snaps and type setting.  

The wargames cellar has also been set up for a little campaign - one last play test.

And then it will hopefully be time to get back to the Vauban and Shandy era, and to go Dutch!

Tuesday, 28 March 2023

Garden Kriegspiel - update

 The Spring has arrived, and  Garden Kriegspiel is nearing completion.  This will be the updated version of Little Campaigns, and will bring HG's Kriegspiel annotations to life.  It is time for more photographs in the garden.

As this is a Wellsian Kriegspiel (using HG's spelling, lest the purists and linguists complain) it will feature Army Black as the main illustrations. But there will be a return to the Army Red of 1900 - 1913 - on campaign on the Veldt.

Elastolin Castles will feature, and the book will open with a night at the Opera - Wagner. of course ...

More to follow!

Wednesday, 15 February 2023

FLW welcomes Tradition - and a new toy soldier

 I was delighted to welcome Erik, of Tradition Toy Soldiers, Stockholm to FLW HQ on Sunday afternoon.

Erik brought over the new figure of Gustavus Adolphus, and two other new figures in the range. 



It is a joy to have a 'buffcoated' 'Lion of the North' and this is a truly beautiful toy soldier.  When Little Campaigns is completed, it will be time to return to the Thirty Years War/ECW/Lace Wars.  

Congrtulations to Erik and Tradition on these splendid new figures!

Monday, 26 December 2022

A very happy Christmas from FLW


Tuesday, 30 August 2022


The summer is already waning here at FLW HQ.  It will soon be time for winter quarters again.

The majority of this season has been spent over here: 


with the publication of FLW and the work on Volume 2 and the 'Big War' edition (Volume 3).  

It has been very encouraging that FLW is on sale at Tradition, Stockholm and the Armoury of St James's in London.

This blog is mainly concerned with the horse and musket era - and the Baltic - so it was very good to be involved (from a safe distance) with the latest game in the Herring War;


A very large model ocean liner has also appeared in these parts - more to follow ...